Next year is shaping up to be a very strong year for M&A activity in the Knowledge Economy. In order to assist your preparation for 2021, take a look at our M&A Preview, in which we discuss the following eight key trends:
- The adoption of digital is accelerating
- Emerging technologies are being commercialised rapidly
- There is a convergence across the sector and delivery models are blending
- Private equity participation in the knowledge economy is increasing
- Next-generation technology platforms are emerging
- Vertical software solutions are playing an increasing role
- Buyers are returning to nearshore locations for access to new skills
- Shareholders are aligning expectations and addressing structural risks
Will your business experience growth and investor demand through the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The 2021 version of this report is available here.
Or download last year's version below.
Our annual buyers report analyzes the findings from our comprehensive independent survey of how acquirers of consulting and other knowledge-intensive businesses will approach M&A in 2020.
Key overall findings include:
- Most buyers are looking to do the same if not more acquisitions over the next few years against a backdrop of anticipated rises in capital available for deal flow.
- The majority of respondents expect significant increases in digital investment over the next three years. Data analytics was ranked as crucial for both meeting client objectives and enhancing consulting firms’ operations and services.
- Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cyber security and application modernization followed closely behind for strategic interest among surveyed buyers.
- The biggest disruptors to traditional professional services related to the advancement of new technologies, like advanced machine learning.
- More than ten years after the financial crisis, an economic slowdown is seen as the greatest risk to the current levels of M&A. Political instability was also considered a major potential headwind.
You can email us at website@equiteq.com if you would like a copy of earlier versions of this report.